Queue: N. ~ a line of people or objects to be dealt with, starting at the first item, then the second, etc. New items are added to the end of the line.
Life is a series of (No, not unfortunate) events. They are all added to the "Queue" as different things happen, and that queue is controlled by God. So if God wants something to happen, He adds it at the perfect time to the end of the queue so that you will experience it when He wants you to. And that's kinda what is happening now...
To start with, the Benton County CEF committee has approved my request to stay on with the local chapter during the summer to continue my work and training through my internship. As part of that, additional funds were needed to pay my way, both for the continued work and for the remaining money needed to fund my training at Children's Ministries Institute this Fall. With that in mind, I drove into work this morning to find that a very generous friend had decided to fund my cause with a $1000 check each of the 4 remaining months of my internship. That completely pays for my work from here to my trip, which means that any funds that come in from here on out are totally tax free, and completely dedicated to my CMI tuition.
On another note, some reading over the weekend revealed the effects of some dedicated help and patience, which was capped by some conversational discussion today. 17 months of waiting, and still the stained class door has remained closed. It has become clearer to see through as time has gone by, but the time has not come to open it yet. Though, what I've seen and heard over the last few days makes me believe that I will be led to open it soon. I'm sure I know what I will find behind the door, after all, God told me what was behind it right after the door appeared, but I don't think I'm completely ready to find out that what He said is true. And that is probably why it hasn't opened yet, since God knows I'm not ready and is protecting me from what could be a disaster if not timed correctly.
With all that said, a lot of things have been added to my life's "Queue". And although I can see what they look like from here, I have no idea what I'll be dealing with when they reach the front of the line. All I can do is pray and trust that God will make sure I'm prepared for whatever I have to face when the time comes.
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