Wednesday, January 18, 2012


     Vision is a wonderful thing. Your two eyes work together to allow you to see exactly what you want to see. But when you look at one thing, you can't look at something else. Say you look at something close. Then things far away will be blurry; our of focus. But if you look at something far away, close things fall out of focus. The same thing happens in life. We can tend to focus on one thing, whether it be up close or far away. But there's one thing we should be focusing on: God.

     You see, God is always the same. So, regardless of whether you look at something you're experiencing right now or something far off in the future, God will always be the same. Guess what that means? When you focus on Him...well, you'd think everything else would get blurry, right? It's actually the other way around! When you focus on God, everything else you could possibly look at comes into clearer focus! When you turn your focus to be on God, you stop looking at the world the way you see it and start to look at the world the way God sees it. You stopping seeing your life the way you always have, and start seeing it the way God always has.

     It's always a struggle to keep your focus on God. Especially when things in life start to come at you. You feel like you have to focus on what's happening to get through it. Or maybe your focus just starts to slip and you don't notice until long after your eyes have found themselves somewhere else. Either way, both describe my life in the past. Just like everyone else, I'm guilty of letting my focus slip from God. And yet, every time my focus does slip, I turn my eyes to Him once again and find more than I remember leaving. And every time, He continues to reveal more to me about what I'm here for.

     While at Children's Ministries Institute (CMI), I found that I'm more suited for a support role. I have some good leadership qualities, and could be a leader, but not if that role puts me out in front. However, if that role involves me be the lead in supporting others...well that's right about where I should work best. God's been showing me how these two roles, leader and supporter, work together specifically in my life...but He hasn't shown me where to put them to the best use yet. least not their more extended use. You what I'm called to do.

     I am however putting those roles to use in my work with the local chapter of Child Evangelism Fellowship. I can lead by teaching the children in my classes and taking responsibility for various things around the office, and I can support by making sure the computers run well, developing easier methods of getting certain jobs done, and doing the backstage work to get our new website up and running.

     Vision. Through the vision God has given me in my two eyes I can see what He is doing now. I can see what He will be doing soon...and I can catch a small glimpse of what He will be doing in the future. All three levels of focus have me excited, and although it'll be sometime before I get to that final's more than worth the wait. So...where's your vision focused?

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