Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tennis!?! Really!?!

     I've compared life to so many things before: puzzle pieces, landscapes, musical orchestras. And yet here I go again. This time comparing my life to...a tennis court. Yep, that's right. A tennis court. Confused? Then read on, I'll explain what I mean.

     In tennis, one player will serve, and the other player must return the shot. Once the shot has been returned, this action becomes what's known as a "volley." The volley continues until one player fails to return the shot, at which point the other player gets to serve for another volley. There are always three players on life's court though: you, the person you're interacting with, and God. Sometimes one player is too weak to continue, or is on the wrong side of the court to return the shot, but God jumps in and hits it for them. As well, just like a tennis volley doesn't always have the same speed for each return hit, so too life's returns aren't always spaced the same. Finally...sometimes the volley ends, and it's time for a re-serve, but those re-serves don't always happen at the same time, either.

     It's at this point that I find myself: a friend of mine and I had a good volley going. Each shot was returned well. At times the returns were faster or slower, harder and softer, straight and curved. But each shot was returned. And then the volley ended; God stepped in and called a time out. The game wasn't over, but it was time for a break. That break...became rather long, and I despaired of ever starting the game up again, when God came over, sat next to me, and let me know that the game would continue...I just had to be patient.

     Turns out that patience is about to pay off. The racquets are ready. The ball is in my hand, and it's my turn to serve. God told me when I'm supposed to serve but...the other player, well...they aren't on the other side of the court. But God said to serve. And He told me when. So I'm left with only one thing to do: wait. Wait until it's my time to serve and then serve that next volley as best I can, trusting that the other player will be back on the court in time to return the shot.

     I really don't know what's going to happen, but that's not for me to know. It's for me to trust God's plan. I do know when this next volley will be served: July 5th. So come July 5th, if you could be praying that God would give me wisdom in what to say and do, and that I would trust Him no matter what, I would greatly appreciate it. May God continue to lead you in the paths and plans He has for you so that you may become everything He wants you to be.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Quick Update...

     UPDATE: So...looks like the meeting is postponed until next week sometime. I'll let you know when I know.

     Not sure how many of you will read this, but if you are reading this could you please pray for me tomorrow around lunch time? Just pray that God would give me the words to speak and that His will would be done. A simple request really, and a simple task, since all I have to do is let God be God and for me to do what He says, but I'd really like to bathe it in prayer. To really ask God to go all out on this one and make sure He does exactly what He wants.

     I'll post more tomorrow and let you know what your prayers were for. It's going to be a surprise for both you and me that way! ;) If God lays other things on your heart to pray for, then please, go ahead. But mainly, I would really like prayer for His will to be done and His words to be spoken. It's a hard thing in front of me to do, and I'm going to need all of God's strength to do it. And whatever happens...may it be His will. As always, I want my life to bring God the most glory possible...may your life do the same.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Directive Clarification...

     So today was the end of CYIA (Christian Youth In Action) 2012. This year I had a five member team (one of two such teams) comprised of four 3rd year students, and one 1st year student. And, more or less, they all taught like 3rd year students. My fellow dorm guys were a blast, and so was my counseling group of 5 within the dorm. And then there's the "Phineas & Ferb: Evangelism is For Everyone" skit, and the "Tony Villanueva is Iron-Man" trailer, both of which were totally EPIC. Finally...there was a I had been praying for, and yet it was also a chance to grow.

     It's about 10 pm as I write this, and between now and 4 this afternoon, God answered 5 different, successive, intertwining, prayer requests with a yes. Including some that were actually my dad's, but somehow they interlocked with mine. Anyway...I had taken a walk to clear my head after an rather unexpected turn of events this afternoon. It seems God is trying to teach me to act on less and less of His promptings; that is to say, He wants me to act without having to tell me things so many times. And this will be an exercise in well as an exercise in faith.

     What, you ask, is this exercise? Well...I'm not going to tell you quite yet. It'd ruin the whole faith least for me. If I told you what it was, you would know...and that could possibly give me a perspective I didn't have before that would cause me to have less faith. So for now, it must remain a mystery. But I know it is what God wants me to do.

     At the same time, God has been doing a work in my heart. He's continued to increase the passion I have to see young men become the men that God has called them to be. He's also worked into my heart a desire to see the word preached in it's fullness, so that today's people can understand it and LIVE IT. And, through my awesome brother Justin, it seems He's also given me a long term picture of where I will be someday. I know I'm called to work with CEF now...but in the future, it seems that I'm called to be an XP. That is...and "Executive Pastor." Christian website "The Resurgence" posted an article that defines this role...and it fits me to a T. Almost scary. But if God has called me to it, then there's nothing I would rather do.

     So...steps in faith, new position at CEF of Oregon starting next month, and the position of Executive Pastor in my future? Only God could take the credit for all this! May His glory be spread through my life and yours! May you know His peace, His joy, and His will in your life.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Commercial Break For Life...

     We now take a break from our regular program for a life update :P God's been doing some things in my life over the past year, and I thought it'd be good to go over those and see where that's taking me in the near future, as well as take a look at some recent things that have happened. And here we...go.

     About this time last year, I was prepping for summer ministry and Christian Youth In Action, as well looking to go to Children's Ministries Institute in August. CMI was where I was headed because I was interested in becoming a local director for one Child Evangelism Fellowship's ministry chapters (usually those are divided by county). While at CMI, God showed me that my position within CEF should really be one of service and I thought a director position was out of the question. Turns out I was only half right.

     Local Director is not where I'm called to be, but rather the Director of Communications and Technology for CEF of Oregon. The responsibility is much higher than my current position, but so is the amount of enjoyment I will get out of it and the amount of work that can be done for God through it, which is really what matters. Its pretty much all computer work, but I still get to work with and for the children, as I'll be teaching at a Good News Club and all of my other work goes to help reach more children through the rest of our ministries.

     At the same time, God's been building something in my brother, our long time friend Andrew, and myself: a longing to see the word preached, and a church body supported as not many others have really done recently. In all reality, the idea that God would use three guys like us to start a radical Christian church that actually changes the world around it is rather absurd...God has given each of us a heart to do just that. When....I don't know, but I know it probably won't be for another 5 years. God still has things that He's teaching all three of us, and until all those things come to fruition, we aren't in any position to be starting a church.

     In the meantime, I think God has other plans for us. For Justin and Andrew, I don't know what God's thinking...but I think I'm beginning to understand what God has planned for me. (Notice that's beginning, as it's been almost 3 years since I've started to see and I still don't get it! :P) Earlier this week, God reminded me of a "promise" He made to me awhile back. This led to a discovery about what may have truly caused everything that's happened during the last 6 months.

     And then, earlier today...God showed me something that blew my mind: He revealed that He had been working behind the scenes more than I thought and that His promise was not too far off from fulfillment. I just have to be patient and wait. To think that I'm this close to seeing that promise,

     Anyway, next weekend starts CYIA, and after that...I'll post an update about everything that God did through the amazing people there. Plenty to do between here and look for another post on Friday, June 22nd.