Friday, June 22, 2012

Directive Clarification...

     So today was the end of CYIA (Christian Youth In Action) 2012. This year I had a five member team (one of two such teams) comprised of four 3rd year students, and one 1st year student. And, more or less, they all taught like 3rd year students. My fellow dorm guys were a blast, and so was my counseling group of 5 within the dorm. And then there's the "Phineas & Ferb: Evangelism is For Everyone" skit, and the "Tony Villanueva is Iron-Man" trailer, both of which were totally EPIC. Finally...there was a I had been praying for, and yet it was also a chance to grow.

     It's about 10 pm as I write this, and between now and 4 this afternoon, God answered 5 different, successive, intertwining, prayer requests with a yes. Including some that were actually my dad's, but somehow they interlocked with mine. Anyway...I had taken a walk to clear my head after an rather unexpected turn of events this afternoon. It seems God is trying to teach me to act on less and less of His promptings; that is to say, He wants me to act without having to tell me things so many times. And this will be an exercise in well as an exercise in faith.

     What, you ask, is this exercise? Well...I'm not going to tell you quite yet. It'd ruin the whole faith least for me. If I told you what it was, you would know...and that could possibly give me a perspective I didn't have before that would cause me to have less faith. So for now, it must remain a mystery. But I know it is what God wants me to do.

     At the same time, God has been doing a work in my heart. He's continued to increase the passion I have to see young men become the men that God has called them to be. He's also worked into my heart a desire to see the word preached in it's fullness, so that today's people can understand it and LIVE IT. And, through my awesome brother Justin, it seems He's also given me a long term picture of where I will be someday. I know I'm called to work with CEF now...but in the future, it seems that I'm called to be an XP. That is...and "Executive Pastor." Christian website "The Resurgence" posted an article that defines this role...and it fits me to a T. Almost scary. But if God has called me to it, then there's nothing I would rather do.

     So...steps in faith, new position at CEF of Oregon starting next month, and the position of Executive Pastor in my future? Only God could take the credit for all this! May His glory be spread through my life and yours! May you know His peace, His joy, and His will in your life.

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