Tuesday, January 7, 2014


It's a word, it's a feature, it's a car from Ford! That's right, today I'm going to talk about focus. Specifically, life focus. And how a lot of people don't seem to have focus in focus. Let's go!

When most of us think of focus, it's a bit like this picture. One thing (in this case, the bubble) get's focused on, while everything else loses focus and becomes blurry. This is how we treat our life focuses too. We make sure one thing is clear, while leaving the rest blurry.

I'm sure you've heard someone in your life tell you to "keep your focus on God." Maybe you tried it too. You tried to keep your life focused on God: to make sure He was always the clear thing in your life while everything else became blurry. I know I was told this and I tried it. It didn't work. Sure, God was clear, but the people He called me to help, and the things He told me to do, all became blurry.

Why? Because the wrong definition of focus was used. The focus we need to consider here is defined as "the center of interest or activity." God has to stay the center of our interests and activities. That's when He is our focus.

Focusing on God in this way has helped me a lot. With Him at the center of how I live, I'm free to give my attention to the people I help and the children I teach. I'm able to work on the things He told me to. God is still the most important thing in my life, but rather than "focusing" on Him so that all else becomes blurry, He becomes the center of my life, the reason I do the things I do.

This has been extremely helpful in my relationship with Kaytlin. It's OK for me to spend time with her and to be concerned about her, as long as the reason and motivation behind it is God, and all of the things God has called me to, including her, remain balanced.

How will your life be different if you truly focus on God? Make Him the center, your reason and your motivation, and see what happens. I bet it'll make a big difference.


- Jason

(Photo by Stephen Stonestreet)

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