Many people wonder if God really answers prayer. I think the issue may be that those who doubt aren't listening for the right answers. The truth is God does answer prayer, and when He does there's three different types of answers He will give...

The first answer is "No." If what you're asking for is not what is best for you and never will be, God will say no. Why? Because He loves you. God knows everything (the big word for that is omniscient) including what is best for us. Because of His love, He will not allow things that are not in our best interest to come to pass. God is not being mean when He says no, He's protecting you from something bad.
This does not mean that bad things won't happen. They might seem bad from our point of view, but in the long run they are good because they accomplish two things: 1, they bring more glory to God, and 2, they make us more like Christ. For that is God's ultimate plan for us: that we would be conformed to the image of His Son.
The second answer is "Wait." If what we are praying for isn't in our best interests now but will be later, God will tell us to wait. This doesn't mean to stop praying for your request. No, continue to seek God about it. When the time is right, He will say yes, but you'll only know if you continue to ask Him about it.
This is the answer I've heard the most. God has told me to wait when I ask Him things, especially when it came to finding the right girl. For two years I kept asking Him, and He kept saying wait. Then I met Kaytlin, and I asked God again. This time He said yes. If you keep hearing God tell you to wait, don't get discouraged! One day God will answer yes, and when that day comes you'll be glad you kept asking!
The final answer is "Yes." If what you're asking for is in your best interests right then and there, God will say yes. Remember, something that is in your best interests will bring God glory and make you more like Christ. If you want to hear God say yes to more of your prayers, make sure what you're asking for will do both of those things! Here's a verse to remember when you're trying to figure that out:
"Mankind, He has told you what is good and what it is the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8Pray for things that will help you live justly, love mercy, and walk with humility before God. When you do, you'll start seeing a lot more prayers answered with a yes.
- Jason
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