Change is an interesting topic. For many people it's something they don't like. They don't want things to change. But sometimes change is necessary, and even though you can't see it, much better than where you are now.

There's been a lot of change in my life. When I was younger, we moved from house to house, never staying in one place for more than a few years. One of those times we moved from California to Oregon. Had to make new friends, adjust to the difference in seasons, all sorts of stuff. Without change, life would be boring. Just like if it was always spring. You'd never get to see the fall leaves, or the snows of winter, or the sun of summer.
Just like the seasons, our lives too must change, or they will get boring. And yet when the change comes, too often we find it hard to accept. I think the reasons why is that we sometimes forget that some things, the most important things, don't change. God never changes, and neither does His love for us or His providence and care for all of our needs. I'm no better than any of you: change is still hard for me to accept. But I know it's always easier when I remember that God doesn't change even when my life does.
Why are we talking about change today? Well, because change may be headed my way at the end of this summer. I've spent the last few years working locally with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) and serving in my church, but recently it's seemed like God is tugging at me, trying to pull me into a ministry somewhere else. With Kaytlin in Boise, I looked there first, and I've already received a favorable response from a CEF director there. There's also some possible ministry opportunities there with local churches, or even Boise Bible College.
If God is calling me to serve Him in Boise, it means a lot of things are going to change, and there's nothing I can really do about it except trust that He will provide for me. I know I can see ways that I think it will be better that I'm in Boise, but there's probably a whole bunch of things I don't see, and I have to trust that God knows what He is doing there too. If you would please, be praying that God would make it clear exactly where He wants me to serve.
Maybe things are about to change in your life, too. Whether they are, they have, or they will, one thing will never change: God. So keep your trust in Him!
- Jason
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