Ever felt like you've done something before, but you're fairly sure this is the first time you've ever done it in your life? That's deja vu. Maybe you're feeling deja vu right now...

When I think of deja vu, I think of space. It's like everything in the world just reset, including space. In reality though, a true deja vu is merely part of your brain processing information before you consciously are aware of it. Or at least, that's one of the prevailing theories (Check out this cool science video from Vsauce for more on that). But what if some times, deja vu was more than that?
For me, I've never had a moment of deja vu that I hadn't already experienced. How? Well, a lot of times I'll have dreams that seem eerily real. Then, months later, those dreams come truly exactly as I remember then. The weird part is that, as with most dreams, I forget them soon after I have them. But with these, as soon as things start happening, I remember them almost instantly and can almost predict exactly what's going to happen next.
Seeing as how these are a little more specific than a standard deja vu, I've taken to calling them "Source Code moments." If you've seen the movie Source Code, you'll remember how the main character has to relive the same 8 minutes over and over again in order to find a bomber on the train. Each time, he learns more and is able figure out what to do. For me, I've already seen what's going to happen, just like in the movie, but I only get the 2 times. And rather than changing anything, I choose to leave things as they are. Why? Because I believe there's something more to these.
Most of these moments happen after a big decision I've made, right before I have to make one, or when I'm trying to figure out what God wants me to do. And as I see them, it's God's way of letting me know that I'm right on track with where I should be in life. I had a whole bunch of Source Code moments over the weekend, and recently I've been pressed by other people to figure out what I'm doing this fall. Low and behold, I find out from Kaytlin over the weekend that 2 churches in the Boise area are looking for tech help right now, especially in the area of websites, which is one of my specialities.
So maybe, just maybe, this is where God wants me to go. Regardless, I know that where I'm at right now is where He wants me, and no matter what I'm going to trust that He will provide everything I need and guide me to where He wants me to be. Hard, yes, but always very rewarding in the end.
Maybe there's something God's trying to show you. Take some time and ask Him to reveal it to you, and then keep your eyes peeled for what it might be!
- Jason
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