Control. It's been said that this is an illusion. Lots of people want control, other people don't want control. The thing is, you've been given control, but even that is control really. Sounds like nonsense, huh? Well, let's try and make sense of it...

It's actually rather easy, you just have to know where to look. Where did I look? The Bible. God is the one who has given authority (control) to mankind. In the beginning, God gave mankind a command: to go forth and subdue the earth. He gave us control over the elements and animals. Now, that's not full control; we can't make an animal become another animal, or have it always obey us no matter what. We do, however, have the ability to train them, to control certain aspects of what they are and how they act.
God has also given authority (control) to those who are charged with overseeing their fellow men: our government officials, rulers, and judges. They are given control by God to make sure that justice is carried out, and that the people under them don't break into anarchy and chaos. Yes, not every leader does this, but that's still why they are given control.
So what does that mean for us? Well, it means that we have control over some things, but not everything. For instance, you can choose what you want to eat for lunch next week, but you can't choose for the sun to turn blue. And even in choosing your lunch, you'll be limited by what's available to you.
This same principle applies to the rest of our lives. God has given us some control over things and given us choices in some matters, but He limits it for our good. When we let God control His things and not worry about them and we control what He has given us in a way that pleases Him, it's then we can truly "rest secure in His hands." There's a simple little poem that goes along with this, perhaps you've heard it before:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.This poem is an example of what to do before trying to find the balance of control: pray. When you spend time talking to God, He can give you a clear perspective of what is yours to control and what's not. That's when you'll find the balance.
So let God control the big things, and take care to respect Him as you control the little things that you can!
- Jason
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