Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I Will...

     It seems that God has been bringing things into my life to reveal something deep in my heart that I've been missing as of late: the joy of doing things for other people. Not like getting them things they need, or doing something over the top to make them feel appreciated, but rather doing things so that they don't have to. Doing something that they need to do, but either forget about or don't have time for.

     You see, God's built it into me to help people when they need it. And that's not just a's my fuel: what I live off of, how I feel that my life has purpose, what makes me truly thrive. If I have ever helped you, you'll probably remember the fact that I was happy the whole time, even if it kept me from something I wanted to do. But what you didn't know is this: the best way to thank me is to tell me what my help let you do with that extra time you saved, and saying thank you. You telling me that I was able to make your life a little more enjoyable or easier is part of what keeps me going. Sometimes, people don't tell me...but that's fine. Most of the time the people who don't say anything are the people who I get to see often, and I can tell how my help has made their life better just by watching.

     For the last couple of months...I think I've really missed out on this. Probably because I went to CMI and had to change my whole mindset when going there, and then switch it back when I returned home. But things have changed. Although I may be leaving home soon to see what God has for me on my own, I have this time, right now, to help my family. It may not be my job...but I will pick up the slack. I will not stand by and let little things keep my family from enjoying life. Sure, that means I won't be able to do things I might like to...but if it means my family can enjoy their lives, then it is worth it.

     That mindset...I'm not sure many people know how much that's become a part of me. Sure, there are times to say no...but not now, not with them. When my family gives it their all, and leaves slack that I can easily cover then its my responsibility. I can't ask more of them, just like God never asks more of us. He allows us to give it our best, and trust Him with the rest. And to an extent...that's what I must do.

     I know God is bringing this back because I need it for later...for when I am a husband and a father. I have to be willing to go beyond what I need to do and do what I can do. Even if that means I miss out on "fun" things. But really, how can something be fun when my family suffers? It can't, not if I want to call myself a man. And a man is what I must be; not what the world calls a man, but what God calls a man.

     God always does things with a purpose. So if He's teaching me this now, I know I'll need it...and I'll probably need it soon. Things may not be the way I thought they would be right now, but God is still the same. And it's Him that I trust. I may not understand what He is doing, or how He will make the things that He's showed me become reality, but I will still follow Him. And while I follow, I'll do what I can to make sure those close to me become all that God wants them to be, even if that means I have to do extra work.

     Remember, God has called you to be conformed to the image of His Son; Jesus Christ. Spend time with God, find out just where He's trying to work in your life and join Him in that work! It may just be that He has something amazing planned for you that requires that work be done ;)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Trusting God...

     Sometimes we don't understand God's plans. Why? Because we're human :P As humans our knowledge and understanding is finite, where God's is infinite. So we don't always understand why God has us do stuff. But He always has a purpose to His plans, and those purposes are always accomplished. As well, God's promises will never go unfulfilled. They may not be answered for some time, but God will always fulfill His promises.

     I know it's hard to trust God sometimes, but you have to do it! Think of what Jesus had to do: knowing He would be separated from God, Jesus willingly went to the cross, and yet, He asked that if there was any other way for us to be saved that He might do that instead. And yet still, He submitted to the Father. That is the hardest thing anyone has ever had to trust someone with. And if Jesus trusted God then, He knows how you feel having a hard time trusting Him now. But Jesus doesn't sit there and laugh, He wants to come alongside you and help you trust God.

     You see, trusting God and having faith in Him doesn't mean that you don't have doubts. Rather, it means that you obey God despite your doubts. Sometimes it may get harder, and other times it may get easier, but it is always worth it in the end. And through it all, you become the person God wants you to be.

     I know through my own experiences, including today's little adventure, that trusting God can be hard. But I know that if I trust Him, everything will turn out better than I would have ever dreamed. So even if I don't understand it, I'm still going to follow Him. I know that He will eventually make good on His promise.

     It's never easy to be a Christian, but it is always, ALWAYS worth it in the end. So trust God and see what things He wants to do in your life when you obey Him.