Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Being Thankful...

This time of year a lot of people are posting what they're thankful for. And that's a no-brainer: Thanksgiving is here! Yes, this post is going to have some of the things I'm thankful for, but we're also going to take a look at just being thankful, so let's go!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Big Picture of Details

Some people are big picture people: they like to see everything from far off and get a view for what's to come. Others are detail people: they like to see everything up close and get a view for what's here and now. Regardless of which one fits you best, the truth is... you need both.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Don't Settle for Less

You may have heard someone use the phrase "don't settle for less" when talking about something that has great quality. But did you know the same phrase can be used in our daily lives? Turns out we need to remind ourselves of this quite often, and doing so helps us focus on what really matters.