Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Future...

I've been unable to post here in awhile, but that's because God has been working out some pretty cool things in my life. It seems He's unraveling more of His plans for my future...

Monday, April 28, 2014


When I say extreme, the first thing you think of is probably fire and ice. These two are on the exact opposite sides of the temperature range. Two extremes. They're both good as they are, but there's times when you have to pick one or the other, and other times when you need a balance. The hard part is knowing when.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Deja Vu

Ever felt like you've done something before, but you're fairly sure this is the first time you've ever done it in your life? That's deja vu. Maybe you're feeling deja vu right now...

Monday, April 14, 2014


Control. It's been said that this is an illusion. Lots of people want control, other people don't want control. The thing is, you've been given control, but even that is control really. Sounds like nonsense, huh? Well, let's try and make sense of it...

Monday, April 7, 2014


Change is an interesting topic. For many people it's something they don't like. They don't want things to change. But sometimes change is necessary, and even though you can't see it, much better than where you are now.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Some people believe that things happen by chance. And when two chance things happen to work out together, they call it a coincidence. As a Christian though, we know this isn't true. Coincidence is actually something else entirely.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Things have been busy in my life recently, which is why I was unable to post last week. And yet, despite being busy, I was able to see that God provided everything I needed, even the little things I didn't know about. So today, we're talking about needs.