Tuesday, December 24, 2013


When most of us think of gifts, the first things that come to mind are usually gifts we've enjoyed that have been given to us by people, or by God. In reality, this is a narrow-minded, human view of gifts. A biblical, godly view of gifts is much bigger...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Puzzle

Life always seems to come in pieces, and as humans we try to fit them in somewhere, usually with much trial and error. It's a large puzzle that will take a lifetime to complete, and in the end the picture might not be what you would expect. Unless you know who made the puzzle...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Timing. The ability to select the precise moment of doing something for optimum effect. This is something we humans think we have a grasp of. However, it's God who has the real mastery of timing. His plans account for every little detail, and contain the most precise of timings, so as to achieve the best possible effect in your life at that moment. You could say He's the Time Lord. So what about when the effect seems bad? Is that God's timing too? Let's find out...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Destiny is an interesting thing. And sometimes, I think the idea of destiny is misunderstood. So today we're going to take a look at what destiny is as defined by the world's standards, and how the Bible's use of destiny differs.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Being Thankful...

This time of year a lot of people are posting what they're thankful for. And that's a no-brainer: Thanksgiving is here! Yes, this post is going to have some of the things I'm thankful for, but we're also going to take a look at just being thankful, so let's go!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Big Picture of Details

Some people are big picture people: they like to see everything from far off and get a view for what's to come. Others are detail people: they like to see everything up close and get a view for what's here and now. Regardless of which one fits you best, the truth is... you need both.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Don't Settle for Less

You may have heard someone use the phrase "don't settle for less" when talking about something that has great quality. But did you know the same phrase can be used in our daily lives? Turns out we need to remind ourselves of this quite often, and doing so helps us focus on what really matters.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Where is God calling you?"

I had someone ask me, "Where is God calling you?" It's hard for me to answer this question. I see God's calling a little differently than most: I don't think God's calling for my life (or anyone's life) is any one job or career in particular. Rather, I think it's more of a role. Some key thing God can use you for wherever you go.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Worth. When something has usefulness or importance, it has worth. Worth can be subjective; some people may see worth in something while others do not. Feeling worthless can be painful and make you not want to be friends with anyone. We all want to be worth something, and ultimately we want to be worth something to God.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Music's Secret Weapon

Music comes in all sorts of forms, and people tend to "group" others into categories and stereotypes based on what kind of music they listen to. Some like music because of how it sounds, others like music because of the lyrics. Ultimately though, everyone likes music for how it makes them feel, even if they don't admit it, or even realize it. This, is music's secret weapon.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Looking Forward

So I decided to start blogging again last week. Turns out writing, and blogging by dint of being writing (not of being fish people), is an activity I gain energy from. Everyone has these "rejuvenating" activities: something that makes you feel energized and accomplished. For some people, spending time with a group of friends or in a large mass of people can be energizing (Confession time: that's totally me). For others, spending time alone thinking or reading will do the trick. There's all sorts of activities that can fit the bill, and while most people have many that might do the trick, they don't spend enough time doing those things. That being said, blogging/writing, although technically a "secluded" activity, is me connecting with other people through what I write, and it gives me energy.

Writing, spending time with friends, talking with my brother, working with computers, teaching, listening to orchestral music (eg. soundtracks from movies, tv shows, and video games); these are the things that give me energy. Luckily for me, blogging incorporates 3 of these: writing, working with computers, and listening to orchestral music. And though I may be blogging for my own personal reasons, if what I say can help other people grow, then that's great! (It's also teaching, and therefore energizing :D)

You've probably noticed that some things have changed here on my blog. And although it will stay the way you see it now here, eventually my blog will move to my own website... once I move some numbers around, get the site started, and then create time-travel. So, you know, maybe in a couple weeks.

On to the title of the post: Looking Forward. I'm not one for setting long-term goals, at least not in the way most people might set goals, but I still take time to look ahead and see where my life is going. With a similar thought in mind, one of the people I work with asked me recently if I had "found my niche." For those of you who don't know, I currently work with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), a world-wide organization that shares the gospel with children and helps them to grow in their faith. One of the ministries we use to do just that is Good News Club, where children can come after school and learn Bible verses, hear a Bible lesson, sing songs, play games, and have fun while learning more about God. And it was after a Good News Club this week that one of the volunteers asked me about my niche.

In a way, I have found my niche, but I'm not sure if it's where God is going to have me stay. With CEF I can teach children (which I enjoy), work with computers (which is sorely needed), and spend time with friends. It also happens to be fulfilling the Great Commission that Christ gave us. And to tell the truth, usually when I have a day off from work... I'd rather be at work. But I'm not sure if it's where God wants me to stay. Sure, it's where He wants me to be, but is it where He wants me to stay? Honestly, I don't know.

Looking forward, I know that something's going to have to change, as my annual income is nowhere near what it needs to be to support myself, let alone a family. But when that change will come? No idea. Maybe I'll still work with CEF but have a different position. Maybe I'll do something else where I can still use my skills with teaching and computers to be a light for Christ. Right now only God knows.

Now I could ask myself, "If only God knows, shouldn't I keep my mind here, rather than looking ahead?" The answer to that is no. God has called us to keep our eyes on Him and to be responsible with what we have now, yes. But nowhere in the Bible did God say, "you shall not look ahead or plan." Rather He said in James 4:15, "Instead, you should say, 'If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.'" So yes, look ahead, plan, but focus not on the plan, focus on God. If God brings you to follow your plan, cool. If you find He has a different plan, follow His instead of yours.

Remember: God's plan is best! No matter what it is, or how it looks, His plan is the best. God is all-powerful and all-knowing; to say that He doesn't know best is to doubt one of these truths. So if you take anything away from reading this, may it be that you trust that God's plan is best!

I plan to post about once a week, hopefully on a specific day, so if you want to keep reading more of my crazy writings, keep an eye out for a new post each week.



Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Forward Motion

Today I decided it was time. Time to move on. I wasn't holding on... but I hadn't moved on yet.

If you've read my previous posts here, you'll remember my posts regarding finding the right door, finding the right puzzle pieces, etc. In case it wasn't apparent or you didn't figure it out already, many of those posts were about marriage. Yup, you read that right (I may have mentioned this before, but I can't remember). Unlike some people may believe, I do actually put a lot of thought into who I might spend my life with. I know and believe that God is all I need, and I'm in no rush to get married, but being able to lead someone else further in their walk and help them become all that God wants them to be... is something I'm looking forward to.

Back in 2011 I met a wonderful girl named Karis. We had a number of things in common, and as time progressed I felt positive that she would be a great wife (and I still think so now). But for reasons unknown, things fell apart between us and our relationship ended a few months after. I wouldn't be surprised if the fault lay with me for what happened, but it is what it is.

A long time passed after that, but I never really let go of my feelings for her. Something in me just felt wrong leaving her. I finally decided to put my feelings for her aside one day, but even now her name, picture, heck even things that smell like her bring back those feelings and my life becomes a wreck for about an hour.

That's where things changed today. Or at least slightly. If its not going to be her and I together, than its obviously going to be someone else. And if I'm going to help that someone become the best they can be, I can't be turning into an emotional wreck whenever someone says the name "Karis." So from now on I'm going to work on changing that. Memories are memories: they'll pretty much always be there. But I can change how much those affect me and the others around me. I can move on. (Not by myself, of course, but with God's help.)

Going forward, I can say that I've learned a lot about relationships from the time Karis and I had together. And to be perfectly honest, I think things could still work out between us. But that's not my decision to make, its God's. All I can do is follow Him and trust Him to bring me to the right spouse.

Guys, that's all you can do, too. God knows what He's doing; He knows all about you and the best matches for you. Keep your eyes on Him and let Him bring you to your future spouse.

